Opening and Closing Fees
Opening and closing fees are based off the position size which is the collateral times the leverage.
For example, if the fee is 0.0725%, collateral $1000 and a leverage of 10 it will look like this:
Opening and closing fees are the same, so the same calculation can be used for both.
Borrow Fees
Borrow fees are based off the position size as well and the percentage rates are per hour. Borrow fees are dynamic, have a base rate, and change according to the ratio of the amount of longs to the amount of shorts for the pair (i.e $ETH/USD). This helps the protocol stay balanced and limit exposure to price swings in either direction. For example, if the ratio of longs to shorts is high say 10 to 1, then the borrow fees for a long position will be much higher than a short position. Thus, it is possible for short position to have negative fees which mean they will be paid fees for holding that position.
Currently fee rates are subject to change so please check the website or contract data for the most updated info.
Last updated